How to add event to calendar

Moving this to Forum Guide & Feedback since it relates to forum usage - not a criticism of your choices, just trying to keep things tidy :slight_smile:

So you have two options - the first is to use the [event][/event] code, which (when posting to Events) is available as an option in the Advanced part of the composer. Thanks to a mistake on my part, you couldn’t post to Events when you made the AAP topic, so I’m guessing it wasn’t visible - it should be now. That will add something to the site-wide calendar you see at the top of Events .

The second is to use [calendar][/calendar] in the first post and then [date] in the same or a subsequent post to create an in-topic calendar similar to Documentation Working Group Agenda - this means you can create the agenda where you want it (doesn’t have to be in Events) and (for frequent meetings like the Docs) means that the calendar stays un-cluttered.

For a monthly meeting I can see either being feasible, so let me know which you prefer. I’ll review the videos too - I think I did (1) but not (2)…

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