I installed AWX 16.0.0 but it lacks the ability to adit the LDAP settings so I cannot enable LDAP authentication. Can someone provides instructions for installing older versions of AWX?
Thanks in advance for any responses.
I installed AWX 16.0.0 but it lacks the ability to adit the LDAP settings so I cannot enable LDAP authentication. Can someone provides instructions for installing older versions of AWX?
Thanks in advance for any responses.
when you do a git pull specfiy the version with the following command:
git clone -b 15.0.1 https://github.com/ansible/awx.git where the 15.0.1 is the version you wish to pull.
Not what you asked, but it's pretty easy to configure AWX with ansible (using the awx collection), and you can stand up test awx super-quick whenever you need one as a side-benefit! I do this to set up the base config (org, projects, auth, notifications) that I always want in a new install.
Howard, we are just getting started and looking at various ways to reduce manual work when setting up a new AWX environment.
Can you please share details on using Ansible collection for setting up AWX instances?
We’re using Kubernetes environment to set up multiple AWX docker containers, not sure if that would make a difference for this approach.
awx.awx.tower_project: name: “awx-templates” scm_credential: azure-devops-git scm_type: git scm_url: “{{ azure_devops.deployments_git_url }}” organization: “{{ awx.org_name }}” description: “Application deployment playbooks” allow_override: true state: present - name: Schedule updates for deployments project awx.awx.tower_schedule: name: “update awx-templates from SCM” rrule: “DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20201019T000000 RRULE:FREQ=HOURLY;INTERVAL=1” unified_job_template: awx-templates - name: Configure AD Auth awx.awx.tower_settings: settings: SOCIAL_AUTH_AZUREAD_OAUTH2_KEY: “{{ sp_client_id }}” SOCIAL_AUTH_AZUREAD_OAUTH2_SECRET: “{{ awx_ad_auth_token }}”