Under my inventory source (a static, ini style ‘hosts’ file) I have both ‘Overwrite’ and ‘Overwrite variables’ checked. However, after syncing my inventory I don’t see var changes reflected in groups. ‘Last modified’ in an example group shows an old date as well as the old value of a var.
Project/etc. is updated on launch, so the changes to the group_var is definitely there… just doesn’t seem to be updating the groups in AWX itself.
Steps to reproduce:
Update a variable in my project for a group (group_vars/foo.yml)
Sync inventory, source has both Override/Override variables set. Project syncs on launch.
Check ‘foo’ group under said inventory, note that ‘Last Modified’ has not changed and the variable remains the old value.
Hopefully just missing something easy here, want to ensure any changes to group_vars in my project get reflected in AWX
This is on AWX 23.6.0