Documentation about how to upgrade awx


at the moment we try to evaluate the usage of AWX for our company and at the moment I try to find documentation about a reliable way to upgrade awx.

And related to this question does awx has something like a rolling release? Because at the first run the Splash-Screen says something like: “searching for awx upgrades”.

Maybe someone here can give me some information about the usage of awx with regard to the administation in general and the upgrade.
best regards

I’m putting myself out on a limb here since I know others have different feelings about this but in my experience upgrading between most versions is simply pulling /building the latest containers and running those. Once in a while there are breaking changes that will force you to wipe your DB but those are well announced and you can export most resources via the tower-cli tool.

I’m not sure what you mean by rolling release but updates to AWX deployment are done exclusively via pulling or building new images - if you aren’t doing either of these you won’t get any updates from the project. If you want the latest bug fixes or features you’ll want to constantly build images.

It certainly is and you can export data albiet the secrets via the tower-cli command.

What Uriel has suggested is generally what we strive for. We’ve made some notable changes in recent history to try to make upgradeability a bit easier/seamless on folks. This issue and comment thread provide some valuable context that might interest you: