Running AWX going forward



I am currently running the latest stable AWX release on a single node k3s deployment using awx-operator. I was recently given a bunch of vague but ominous warnings from a sales rep trying to sell me AAP that upcoming changes to the AWX project would essentially make this untenable in the future.

I would like to figure out how much of this is sales tactics/FUD and how much of it is real. If someone could explain what the picture is going forward for running AWX, I would appreciate it.

Some basic questions:

  • Will I be able to upgrade my current installation to whatever the next release is?
  • Will I still be able to deploy/upgrade using awx-operator?
  • What will I need to do differently?
  • Is there anything I will lose?

Any advice is appreciated.


@gundalow @TheRealHaoLiu
Hi, thanks for working hard these days for upcoming major changes on the AWX, and sorry for tagging.

I know that the AWX architecture is going through significant changes (I’ve read enough of your recent posts), but are there any planned changes that would make it impossible to use the same deployment methods as before, or that would complicate deploying the upstream version using Operator as easily as before?

If I should prepare for the day when my guide will no longer be useful, please let me know :smiley:


Should that day come, I think there will be many people, @kurokobo, who will lose a LOT of interest in AWX!

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@TheRealHaoLiu or @gundalow do you have at least some answer/idea bout questions above?

I’m quite interested about it also :smile:



I guess the answer is no answer :frowning:

@BrianO I think the answer is it’s too soon to get some of these answers.

  • The main issue concern for that is the database. As long as we can migrate the database from 24.6.1 to the next, we’ll be fine.
  • Yes, from what I understand, the main image will have weekly releases. The operator and helm chart releases will most likely be weekly as well.
  • Only time will tell.
  • Semantic versioning. Hopefully nothing else, but there’s plenty to gain with the rest of the changes.

Red Hat will always discourage customers from using free upstream opensource tools over their subscriber content downstream. There are good reasons for them to do that, but don’t let them scare you into thinking AWX is going to abandon its userbase.

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