Disable Ansible EE


In the docs it says, that EEs can be disabled?

How and where? I want to use Ansible 19.1.0 only with the AWX-Task container.


Yoy cant. Playbooks don’t run in the tasks container

It runs in an ee. You can customise the ee to have the version of ansible you want

Why do i need the Task container then?
For a 1gb memory hungry socket?

I have my Task container as instance group, it shows me capacity and so on. I dont even have a container group visible, de default tower group is a instance group. But the Default EE is created, but i cant delete it.

So i dont get it why i need to spawn a container for every playbook run, this would be awful long or not?

The default ee runs the playbook. The task container does the scheduling and other things in relation to the back end ansible tasks system. The default ee is running I surmise so yoy don’t need to wait.

The default ee runs the playbook. The task container does the scheduling and other things in relation to the back end ansible tasks system. The default ee is running I surmise so yoy don’t need to wait. Container will constantly be there. It’s a team decision. shrug

Ok, thanks. i tried to run a ping with the default EE.

But I get an ansible error then: (this is why i tried to execute it in awx-task)

usage: ansible [-h] [–version] [-v] [-b] [–become-method BECOME_METHOD]

[–become-user BECOME_USER] [-K] [-i INVENTORY] [–list-hosts]

[-l SUBSET] [-P POLL_INTERVAL] [-B SECONDS] [-o] [-t TREE] [-k]

[–private-key PRIVATE_KEY_FILE] [-u REMOTE_USER]


[–ssh-common-args SSH_COMMON_ARGS]

[–sftp-extra-args SFTP_EXTRA_ARGS]

[–scp-extra-args SCP_EXTRA_ARGS]

[–ssh-extra-args SSH_EXTRA_ARGS] [-C] [–syntax-check] [-D]

[-e EXTRA_VARS] [–vault-id VAULT_IDS]

[–ask-vault-password | --vault-password-file VAULT_PASSWORD_FILES]

[-f FORKS] [-M MODULE_PATH] [–playbook-dir BASEDIR]

[–task-timeout TASK_TIMEOUT] [-a MODULE_ARGS] [-m MODULE_NAME]


ansible: error: the following arguments are required: pattern

And when i want to add modules to the EE i have to recompile it and so on? or can i simply mount a folder?

Sometimes it tastes like the “team” wants to drive ppl to redhat. so many strange and clonky desicions, with a massive overhead for nothing. pretty sad :frowning:

If you want to use it on a permanent basis them yes. You can just use a requirements file and awx will download what is necessary for the job.

I don’t follow by what you mean by driving things to redhat sorry.

How did you get this? Did you do it through the interface or?

I’ve done every step through the UI of AWX.

The task and other containers form the CONTROL plane for automation. The EE is for the EXECUTION of the automation. You are trying to use the control plane as the execution part as well, and this model is no longer used. We’ve moved away from a monolithic application approach.

One of the main ideas behind this, is to give a consistent execution throughout the development and subsequent release of that automation. It’s aim is to avoid the “well it works for me on my laptop/config” problem.

Hey Phil,

ok i understand it, but currently when i try to execute something it always fails with:

ERROR! the playbook: testing.yml could not be found

i created the template via the ui and i am using the default 0.2.0 EE which gets pre installed.

So that testing.yml playbook is part of a Project SCM right? Did that sync up ok? You can try manually syncing the project in the GUI to see if it errors.

It was a local project in the projects folder. When i tried to create a project and sync it with scm , it cant sync, because the sync wants to execute something over the EE it seems and it doesnt work.

I stopped trying AWX above 18.x.x i go back to older versions without EE and the need of kubernetes. Until it stabilizes a bit more. :frowning:

Thanks so far.