Currently supported versions of ansible-core

Tried to bump a collection’s meta to minimal 2.13.9 but got meta-runtime[unsupported-version]: requires_ansible key must be set to a supported version (chore: bump ansible version · charlesrocket/essential-collection@dec5782 · GitHub). While checking meta-runtime - Ansible Lint Documentation I decided to push 2.15.0 but sanity tests went red with Warning: : Collection charlesrocket.essential does not support Ansible version (fix(git): rename internal variables · charlesrocket/essential-collection@447c204 · GitHub)

Requiring ansible-core 2.14.0 resolves linter and sanity tests. I see 2.13.x is gone so this is outdated docs but not sure why I can’t go with the current 2.15.0

I really hate this rule and I actively disable it for all collections I maintain that use ansible-lint. I don’t see any reason why this rule should be enabled by default in ansible-lint. I can only recommend disabling it in .ansible-lint.

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This is because you’re running the tests with 2.14. calls ansible-community/ansible-test-gh-action without specifying ansible-core-version, and the default value is stable-2.14.

Ideally you should be running the tests with each major version of Ansible that your collection supports. You can see an example of doing so at


Oh I see now, my layout is out of date, thanks. The Default version still should be the current one.