Hi all,
We're happy to announce that the first beta release of Ansible 6.0 is
now available for testing !
Ansible 6.0.0 will include ansible-core 2.13 as well as a curated set of
Ansible collections to provide a vast number of modules and plugins.
This is a major version update from Ansible 5.x which included
ansible-core 2.12 and there may be backwards incompatibilities in the
core playbook language.
Please see the porting guide (linked at the bottom) for details.
How to get it
This is still not correct. ansible 6 requires ansible-core 2.13, which
is provided separately from the "ansible" package at pypi.org. The
"ansible" package is only a set of curated ansible collections.and
does not contail ansible-core, which is verifiable by looking at the
tarballs, or the relevant git repos, or installing them. There seems
to be some concept of an "ansible" installation that includes both but
it's not reflected in the code. There could easily be one: what is now
"ansible" could be more consistently published as
"ansible_collections", which is what it actually installs in a python
directory, and "ansible" could be a meta package with requirements of
"ansible-core" and the more correctly labeled "ansible_collections".
Please, consider straightening out this confusion in the next major
ansible release.
In any case, I've updated my https://github.com/nkadel/ansiblerepo
tools to build both packages as RPMs under RHEL 8 and RHEL 9. I've
expressed my concerns about ansible-core 2.13 and the jinja2
dependencies which make it so awkward to bundle for RHEL 8 or RHEL 9
separately: it blocks building the documentation RPMs for either
operating system because of the large dependency chain for the sphinx
needed for jinja2
I'm so far unaware of any feature of ansible 6 that actually requires
ansible-core 2.13 and will not interoperate well with ansible-core
2.12.6, and I've been divorcing ansible from high versioned
ansible-core dependencies. I'm aware that some modules have
imitations, with ansible-core versions, but they generally have
internal logic that handles this, and the ansible_collections
requirement thus seems no compelling reason to refuse compatibility
with a more easily packaged ansible-core 2.12.6, at least until RHEL 8
and RHEL 9 can get updated jinja2.