Hello. Friends.
I have an Error with awx 23.4.0 currently I have it installed on only node with k3s and I installed it using storageclass hostPath storageClassName: awx-projects-volume
path: /data/projects
My question is how can I use local files so that they can work or be read from my project. My project is on GitHub and syncs well but I cannot use the local files from the /data/projects directory on my server. When I run my playbook, it generates the following error. Could not find or access '/var/lib/awx/projects it’s like it can’t find the path now on my server side the /data/projects directory is mounted in the container in /var/lib/awx/projects however when Executing tasks is as if the route does not enter, any help?
Your playbook is launched in the ephemeral automation job pod instead of task nor web pod.
Once you place files in /data/projects on K3s host, they can indeed be available
on the web and task pods.
However, when a job is executed, for SCM-based projects, only the necessary files managed by SCM are transferred to a different path in the ephemeral automation job pod and executed.
Therefore, even if you place files in /data/projects , those files cannot be used within playbooks for SCM-based projects.
The guide I provided above introduces steps to mount /data/work on the K3s host to the ephemeral automation job pod.