Newbie to AWX, and facing problem when creating a new project. Not able to locate any directory/folder under /var/lib/awx/projects. Can anyone help me address this issue?
I have already create folder on server where AWX was installed. Then connect to minikube container and created folder there too, but still no success.
Deploy AWX using awx-operator using tag v0.30.0, running Kubernetes with Minikube.
Using SCM through GitHub did work as a charm, even able to resync updates without an issue, however about to begin a task that external access is not allowed. Not sure why SCM Manual is there if we can´t use it.
Thanks for reply. User (ec2-user) owns folder “awx” and all its contents but still not able to access playbooks/task on project folder as shown on evidence down below.
Do this access/permission must be grant on server (/var/lib/awx) where container was deployed on inside container itself? Also playbooks/tasks on this project folder must be under a git repo (git init .) or no versioning required?
Project folder already working with Github repo, does it works with Azure Dev repo? At least we can have some authentication process (client pre-req) to store/retrieve scripts.