Could not find imported module support code for community.vmware (AWX -13.0)

We are using virtual environment in AWX 13 and its running with “python3.6” & Dev AWX execution environment is “AWX EE 0.5.0

We are receiving a failed message while executing job template in AWX (13.0) to connect VMware Vcenters, as per our initial observation this failed error message is receiving when unable to find module “community.vmware.vmware_datacenter_info”.

Error message - fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {“msg”: “Could not find imported module support code for version. Looked for either or”}

We gone through the below Ansible documentation for “community.vmware.vmware_datacenter_info module – Gather information about VMware vSphere Datacenters” and requirements “python >= 2.7 & PyVmomi” exist on Linux server.

We don’t find any other VMware data center info module other than community module.

Below collections are mentioned in requirements.yml file.


  • community.general

  • community.vmware

However the same job template is working fine in other AWX environment (19.0) on same server linux server.

Appreciate any help on this issue.

FYI - We posted same query in AWX project so they responded to reach out to collection maintainers of vmware modules (AWX - Could not find imported module support code for community.vmware (AWX -13.0) (

If anyone from collection maintainers of vmware modules can provide solution to this problem will be really helpful. Its on urgent basis.

Can any collection maintainer help me out with this. Able to run the playbook in DEV environment but not in PROD environment.

Without knowing anything about the collection you mention, and assuming ‘DEV’ and ‘PROD’ are specific to your setup, the problem is not with any collection. If “it works” with ‘DEV’, then logic dictates that you should find the differences between ‘DEV’ and ‘PROD’ as the solution lies in there.

On a side note, counter to what is usually the goal, calling in ‘urgency’ usually decrease the likelihood of a getting response.

Thank you for your response. Earlier we had posted same query to AWX group, where it was suggested to reach out to collection maintainers of vmware modules. Below is the link for that-
AWX - Could not find imported module support code for community.vmware (AWX -13.0) (

We are trying to resolve this.