I’m having problem with running plays on specific host from group. In my case I have 3 hosts(node01,node02,node03) in one group - docker,and in my playbook i use hosts: docker[0] and it should be delegated to node01 but instead it goes to node03. I use inventory from source in this case - project uses git as a source. When i run playbook manually it works fine.Can someone help me with what may be the case?
When you create an inventory source, you click the circle with arrows to update it. After you have updated it, then you should be able to see the list of groups and hosts in that inventory. From there, you should be able to find the docker group in the AWX UI and see its member hosts, and this should help clarify exactly what went wrong in the inventory update. Also, if you click the inventory update, it should give logs of what groups / hosts / relationships it saved to the database, so that should also contain a hint about what went wrong.