I am a complete newbie to this so do excuse me on this.
Managed to set up Ansible AWX following this guide
Got Git integrated
Created SSH Keys
All hosts added vi IP address and copied the SSH Keys as per the document
Put the hosts in a test inventory
I put this playbook in Git and found seen in my AWX instance
The line hosts: UbuntuTest is telling ansible that it should look into your inventory for a group (or a host) named UbuntuTest. The error you are getting is indicating that you have no such group or host within your inventory.
My recommendation would be to double check your awx inventory tied to your job template to see if has a group or host with that name. If not, add one and try again and see if it works.
Also, I would recommend changing your playbook to say hosts: all and then set a limit in the job template inside AWX. That way, if you wanted to have multiple job templates that pointed to different hosts they could all use the same playbook (applying the limit from the job template itself).