Ansible AWX GUI fault!!!

Greeting to everyone, dear community!

Looking for small help, advises

Installed Ansible AWX 17.0.1

In docker compose

Successfully mounted host folder to docker folder and uploaded playbooks to web interface

But… can not add inventory

No by Host no by Source

I tried also to rename host file in different ways - hosts, hosts.txt, inventory

And copy those files to different folders (including that mounted host-docker)

No result. Playbooks try yo read some /root project - and not pick up right host file

Thank you much in advance for your kind advises

Hi there,
Someone from the community might still be on 17.0.1 but unfortunately we don’t officially support that version anymore. Our official advice would be to upgrade, but if someone else here is still on an older version they might have some help for you.
Good luck!
-AWX Team

@nss - Can you provide the docker-compose file you used? I still have multiple AWX 17.x.x instances that are fully functional. My guess is that something is just a bit off with your compose.