Awx k3s offline installation

I am attempting to install AWX using K3s in an offline environment. I have set up K3s successfully and have also configured a local container registry where I have pushed the necessary AWX, Operator, PostgreSQL, and Redis images. However, I am encountering difficulties in proceeding with the installation process due to unclear next steps.

Requested Help

I need assistance in understanding and completing the remaining steps for offline installation of AWX on K3s. Specifically, I am unsure about:

  • How to deploy AWX using these pre-pulled images in an offline k3s
  • Any additional configurations or steps required for the deployment process.

has anyone here had experience with deploying AWX on K3s using the repository at

GitHub - kurokobo/awx-on-k3s: An example implementation of AWX on single node K3s using AWX Operator, with easy-to-use simplified configuration with ownership of data and passwords.?

I would appreciate insights, tips, or documentation links that can help clarify the deployment process in an offline environment.


To install AWX Operator in the air-gaped cluster, to replace default images, you can specify private images under images in your kustomization.yaml in this document: Basic install - Ansible AWX Operator Documentation

To install AWX using AWX Operator, you can use some parameters to replace default images with your private images. Refer to the documentation to see available parameters: Deploying a specific version of awx - Ansible AWX Operator Documentation

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Hi Kurokobo,

thansk for your reply. Can you tell me where i can find the kustomization.yaml file? and also, you are refering to “some parameters”. Wich parameters do you mean?

Hi, please read the docs that I’ve provided first. There is an example kustomization.yaml and list of the available parameters.

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