Unable to install AWX in centos 7

Hi Guyz,
can anyone give the steps to install AWX in centos, I have tried all the possibilities, but no luck. when I am cloning the git link I could see the /installer file is missing. could you please let me know if any process changed or it’s absolute?

The ‘official’ installation method is now minikube. Also v7 has been deprecated. I suggest you rethink how you’re installing.

alternatively, when you check out from git, get the 17.1.0 release, that one
still installs fine in local docker, and has been working fine for me so far
(as opposed to 18++ with all its pains).



чт, 26 авг. 2021 г. в 12:40, Mathias Homann <Mathias.Homann@opensuse.org>:

I’ve created a couple of videos for you and anyone else who’s having problems getting awx installed via the operator:

Each step is a real time video show all the steps with a login to AWX at the end of each.

awx-operator install on ubuntu 20 using minikube:
gist: https://gist.github.com/dmccuk/098fccc488c8a5aeaa5f859855660018

awx-operator install on CentOS 8 using K3S + https: https://youtu.be/AYfqkTbCDAw
gist: https://gist.github.com/dmccuk/93db22e9b30d1963b8fca0de96fc82f0

Sorry, the correct links!

awx-operator install on CentOS 8 using K3S + https: https://youtu.be/xVOnBDvpbK0

gist: https://gist.github.com/dmccuk/098fccc488c8a5aeaa5f859855660018

awx-operator install on ubuntu 20 using minikube: https://youtu.be/AYfqkTbCDAw
gist: https://gist.github.com/dmccuk/93db22e9b30d1963b8fca0de96fc82f0