I set up AWX 19.3.0 via minikube and I find it hard to backup and restore the instance.
My plan for now is to dump my old database with this (seems to have worked)
docker exec -t awx_postgres pg_dump -U awx awx > awx-dump.sql
and now I am restoring it with this
docker exec -t cca75ed6b616 pg_restore -U awx -f awx-dump.sql
I am unsure if it works because of two reasons:
is AWX 17 db compatible with with AWX 19.3.0?
awx_task and awx_web are still running… i wasn’t able to scale it down to 0. and even setting scale to 0 of awx_operator or the actual deployment/replica group made it to just scale back to 1… or is it a good way to pg_restore the awx database while the awx containers are running?
thank you for any help!