It sounds like you have AWX installed via the awx-operator in minikube. You can use the backup and restore roles in the awx-operator to accomplish this.
Restore docs
At a high level, you create a AWXBackup CR (custom resource) object in your minikube cluster, which runs the backup role. This will back up your deployment’s AWX object, Postgresql database, and secrets into a persistent volume claim in your cluster. This can then be restored to a new deployment by creating a AWXRestore object referencing your backup.
Sidenote, in your approach, you would need to stop the application containers before dropping the database to avoid the error you are running into.
So, I added a CRD for backup and applied as a pod.
[test@k8s]$ k get po -A
default awx-demo-7d5777dcd6-c6nxk 4/4 Running 0 5d23h
default awx-demo-postgres-0 1/1 Running 0 7d
default awx-operator-5dd757f594-c2snd 1/1 Running 5 7d
default awxbackup-2021-07-27-db-management 1/1 Running 0 30s
ingress-nginx ingress-nginx-admission-create-4mb4x 0/1 Completed 0 7d
All pods are running and I can access th eAWX GUI ,but unfortunately I can’t see the PVC in Output.
[test@k8s]$ k get awxbackup awxbackup-2021-07-27 -o jsonpath=“{.items[0].status.backupDirectory}”
[test@k8s]$ docker exec -it 6b87ee77cebc /bin/bash
root@awxbackup-2021-07-27-db-management:/# cd /backups/
root@awxbackup-2021-07-27-db-management:/backups# ls
Once I manually change awx-operator deployment to use []( I have PVC awx-backup-claim created. I have pod awxbackup-db-management created and mounted this PV awx-backup-claim, but folder backups inside pod awxbackup-db-management is empty, and no backups created.
If you still have your backup, you could try restoring with the an awx-operator built from the devel branch. The fix will be available in the next AWX release.