AWX 3.0.0

Hello everyone. Today we are happy to announce the release of AWX 3.0.0. This release is predominately driven by our recent upgrade to Python 3.

While AWX itself runs under Python 3, the embedded Ansible virtual environment remains Python 2 for the sake of not breaking your playbooks.

Some other things also included in this release are:

  • Python 3 support for custom virtual environments
  • Added Grafana notification type
  • Moved to Google’s new authentication API
  • Fixed a bug that caused websocket connections to periodically hang when LDAP authentication was enabled

The full changelog can be viewed on the release page at:

Happy automating.

For anyone looking to use python3 virtual environments in this release, the required packages have changed slightly. The snippet below should get you up and running:

yum -y install gcc python36-devel \ && python3 -m venv /var/lib/awx/venv/testenv \ && /var/lib/awx/venv/testenv/bin/pip install python-memcached psutil

I’m excited to give this a whirl. But what’s the recommended method of upgrading? Is there documentation somewhere? I found an article on migrating data and a Github issue that referenced a link to AnsibleFest. But no actual information. My current AWX version is 2.1.0.

Thanks all the team and contributors for your work!

Is there any table with the equivalent versions between Ansible Tower and Ansible AWX? How much accurate is the documentation of the Ansible Tower latest version with this Ansible AWX version?


But what’s the recommended method of upgrading? Is there documentation somewhere?

We’ve tested direct upgrades from the immediate previous versions under 2.X, so I’d recommend you give that a try after running a backup.

Is there any table with the equivalent versions between Ansible Tower and Ansible AWX? How much accurate is the documentation of the Ansible Tower latest version with this Ansible AWX version?

There’s no direct correlation between Tower and AWX release points, AWX is the bleeding edge (alpha) of Tower and features/fixes are integrated and tested in different ways. AWX releases are made on new feature integration. These same caveats apply to documentation… for older mature features the documentation will be current but for some newer features we might not have fully written the documentation yet OR new features may cause things to diverge from what is available in the official Tower documentation.

So is a direct upgrade docker-compose pull && docker-compose up --force-recreate
or just pull the repo and rerun the playbook?

using the

So just run the playbook again with the same inventory used before? (running 2.1.2 on k8s)