Hi All,
I am trying to find an solution to create forms and have some dependable dropdown Survey options created.
I saw this Feature: Programmable surveys · Issue #20 · ansible/awx (github.com) but its not resolved,
Then came across AnsibleForms Docs - AnsibleForms
Now the question:
Has anyone used this before?
By the looks of it it is replacement for AWX/Tower, any idea how this can be incorporated in the big picture?
Any update from AWX/Red Hat team when can we expect Programmable Surveys added in AWX/Tower?
i am also lookin in to ansible forms more than a year later :).
personaly i dont this this wil replace awx since its scope is very different. The forms come in where awx stops the frontend looks and feel.
i was looking for my project to create a web interface to allow users to update there passwords.
Now our passwords are generated based on a few settings that are stored in a git but we need to ask the users to encrypt there password before pushing it. And this is sometimes not verry clear for them.
So my idea was create a form let the users submit the fomr encrypt the value and then add it back to git so the password will change on all the servers they have permissions for.