AnsibleWorks AWX is now available!


Hi everyone,

Today AnsibleWorks is happy to announce the first release of AnsibleWorks AWX. AWX is a modern Web Interface, Centralized Logging Server, and REST API endpoint for Ansible.

Flexible Role Based Access Control allows dividing up responsibilities – control who can manage inventory, and deploy what projects against what inventories – in either live or check (dry run) modes. This is great for sharing projects and access with diverse teams.

Inventory and variables can be edited graphically or imported from existing Ansible inventory files or dynamic inventory sources, such as various cloud providers.

Job Templates in AWX allow push button access to repeated jobs. Once a job is launched, drill down into details host by host, or review your inventory to see job results for each host.

Provisioning Callbacks in AWX are a powerful feature. Have your provisioning system, (whether AWS Autoscaling, another pre-prepared image, or a provisioning server like Cobbler), phone home into AWX with a simple curl command. Ansible will then configure the requested host and bring it up to date with the latest policy, without having to bake that policy into the image or kickstart/preseed.

AWX also features a fully featured, REST API, allowing 100% of everything that can be done in the user interface and more. The API can be browsed graphically allowing easy discovery of all of the available options.

AWX is Free for up to 10 managed nodes. You can download it today at If you would like to manage more nodes, or would like to acquire support for your installation (AWX is included!) visit

We’ll be updating AWX periodically with new features and are very interested in your feedback. Please share your experiences and ideas with We’re also happy to help with any usage/installation questions.

Thanks and happy Ansibilizing!

The AnsibleWorks Team

Thanks! I’m excited to try it out so that I can introduce Ansible to my command line challenged co-workers.

The system requirements seem large for a Python app. I’m assuming you are looking at your larger use cases as opposed to people like me who run a handful of machines.

Also, can you elaborate on the pricing? What exactly is a node? Is that anything that you are telling Ansible to log into? Just wondering because I have been playing with Docker and the idea of running one process per container. So, just one app might become a handful of nodes. :wink: However, I don’t think I will be using Ansible with these containers. Rather I would probably use Ansible to setup a container, save the container and then let Docker deal with it from there.

Thanks again. And no thanks for unloading a big distraction on me today. :wink:

“The system requirements seem large for a Python app. I’m assuming you are looking at your larger use cases as opposed to people like me who run a handful of machines.”

Yep, they are also purely recommendations. If you want to run them with less disk, you’ll be fine, it doesn’t really eat any disk but database space, and that’s pretty conservative. It’s a very minimal Django app making some use of celeryd for a job queue. If you’re not running jobs, it’s not really doing a whole lot (if anything).

A node is a host record that appears in inventory, whether physical or virtual. If someone ends up managing a crazy number of miniature LXCs, email us at and we can talk about how to make that work out.



I tried to install AWX on ubuntu 13.04 following the instructions in the pdf, Read the Documentation.

After extracting the tar and creating the default directory I to run ‘./’, I receive an error:

root@ubuntu:/home/dwlarson/Downloads/awx-setup-1.2.2# ./
ERROR: roles is not a legal parameter in an Ansible Playbook

Thank you.


Hi Don,

Make sure you are using Ansible 1.2.2 or later. It sounds like you are using a version of Ansible that does not support roles, which would be 1.1 or before.

Also, for others, please send awx feedback to! We’ll share occasional announcements here, but we’re trying to keep support requests off the project mailing list.


installed fine for me on 13, with 1.3 (devel + make install) .

Congratulations for your team nice Job. This is amazing.

Awesome! Great work and good deal.

Congrats to the team.

Hi there,

Thanks for answering me in the other thread.
Anyway, I see AWX is no free software and the pricing is per host. How would it be paid in an “auto-scale” AWS enviroment in which there is no way of knowing how many hosts would it be?


Hi Dan,

Please ask pricing questions to rather than this list.

We’re happy to work with you.
