Ansible Automation Platform not Syncing with Gitlab project

AAP 2.4 Project not syncing GitLab using PAT and my error is

SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain.

I really don’t want to disable https and not sure if I download the .pem from the browser that is pointing to the gitlab repo.

Not sure what ca bundle in redhat docs is talking about or find it to download.

In AAP there is this parameter:


 "GIT_SSL_CAINFO": "/etc/custom-ca/bundle-ca.crt"

Should I download pem from my Gitlab site pointing to my repository?

Add pem to my trusted certs in AAP?

Thanks for any guidance.

Since you are talking about AAP, it means that you have access to the official Red Hat support. I would suggest you to open a support case with Red Hat, since that is a commercial support with SLAs, this one is a community forum :wink: .