I’ve just setup AWX 19 on minikube, and so far, everything seems to be okay. But, I can’t add our local GIT Repo as a project since it has a self-signed certificate and not an official one: AWX states “SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate”, which is obviously true.
So, how can I tell AWX to accept the repo and ignore the certificate issue? I’ve tried to set ‘GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY’ = ‘True’ in Settings/Jobs by editing the extra variables, but all my settings are gone when I reload the page.
I’ve changed another setting for testing (follow symlinks), but this is also gone away after a reload. So, it seems that it’s impossible to change any of the settings here?
I’ve also tried to edit the settings file directly with “kubectl exec -it awx-5b58db49c-b5jh5 -c awx-task vi /etc/tower/settings.py” (I know, bad idea…), but that’s also impossible since the file is owned by root and my contianber is running as a different user, as recommended.
Thanx and have a nice hackin’,