I have an AWX 19.3 setup in an openshift cluster, and I have a gitlab repo that is hosting my playbooks and another for my collections.
When I try and import my collections, I have an error fatal: unable to access ‘https://gitlab/blabla/repo/’: SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain".
The IRC channel has advised me to build my own EE, but :
1/ I’m not sure on how to do that
2/ I’m not sure on how to do that while including my CA
If someone has a detailed view on how to build EE properly and sustainably, or on how to achieve my goal here, I’d be very glad.
I haven’t tested with our interal github yet as I just finished setting up the operator and a test AWX instance in the OpenShift 4.7 cluster.
As per one of the posts, I created following secrets with our internal CA that’s used by LDAP, git and others for HTTPS communication.