AAP not pulling in role

I have in project_a with 3 to 4 roles and site.yml file. in the site.yml file I added a role I will call roled. roled is located in a different git project.

I created a requirments.yml and placed it in the roles directory of project_a
below is an example of my requirements.yml file

AAP is not finding the role. I am able to run ansible-galaxy install -r roles/requirments.yml and the role is installed, and I can run all the roles by using site.yml file

What am I missing. I don’t currently have the code informant of me but hopefully the above provides as an example for illustration purposes.

It could perhaps be this:

“You must select Update Revision on Launch in the project Options to ensure that the upstream role is re-downloaded before each job run.”

Thanks for the suggestion I had update revision on launch enabled. Turns out I had a typo in the name of the requirements.yml file.