A cleaner and less alpha way to install AWX

Hey all,

I’m looking for a less intensive and simpler way to install AWX, so that I can manage a couple of Proxmox nodes. This will run as one application inside an LXC container, so running up and managing (not to mention learning) a kubernetes cluster is overkill for my needs and quite frankly just a little messy for my taste.

Is there a way this can be built as a binary and run up as a systemd service? Perhaps there is a more stable docker image (i.e. not v17.1.0)? Open to suggestions.


Hi medicineman25,

I don’t think there is another way to install AWX other than the documented ones (either K8S in prod or via Docker Compose for development). If you go another route, you’ll also be supporting yourself alone if there is an issue.

Personally, I am using the excellent https://github.com/kurokobo/awx-on-k3s which works superbly and has great documentation (kudos to kurokobo for that!).

I have deployed my AWX instance within a VM in Proxmox that way and it works very well.

