AWX HA on Kubernetes

Hi All,

Hope you are doing well.

We are trying to setup AWX on Kubernetes. There are three options to do that

  1. Use AWX

  2. Adwex Heml Chart

  3. Lifen Helm Chart

Could you please suggest the better way and easy to scale up and scale down? Or let us know in case of there is 4th option available


Please go with option 1. It is very easy and simple to upgrade. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank Selvam for your replay

Will I be able to autoscale based on the load in K8S and how to do that after installation? is there any reference available?


There I no reference in awx but you can use k8s procedure to scale up as deployment. It is k8s function.

Hi, tried to update the no of replicas in installer/roles/kubernetes/defaults/main.yml, however it is still creating one AWX pod. please assist to get it fixed?

Hi Selvam

I have a question related to option 1 - posted it here:

Would really appreciate some pointers.