I’ve been diving into ansible most recently because I wan’t to automate the management of several virtual environments deployed with OVM (oracle virtualization solution for x86 using xen). I found an ansible module created for oracle cloud that implements most of the functionalities to manage a VM (take a peek at the oracle_ovm file) but I’m writing my own to also provide check mode and have a better feedback of the status of the running jobs, set some timeouts for them and autoabort options too. OVM Manager (the console to manage the VMs, it’s like a Vcenter) exposes an API. The ansible module I just referenced takes a naive approach about the api jobs just waiting for them to finish (forever) and if they do finish, it assumes they were succesful.
The problem I have is I don’t know how to get feedback about the jobs while they are running. I already read the doc about async jobs, and it seemed the “fire and forget + check later” approach would help but there’s one problem. The api works this way: if I request to do a post/put request like “Stop VM” (i.e “post api/rest/vm/stop”) it returns a jobId. This ID can be used to check the status of the async job using another api call (i.e “get api/rest/job/”). So, what I tried to do was pass the jobId to the “check later” task and call the same module requesting another state that is supposed to return the job status at a given time until it’s finished. That didn’t worked =(, the playbook complains because I’m not able to call modules if async_status is present (I believe this might be the problem I’m not completely sure, again, I’m just noobing here).
I will paste some lines now, I hope my explanation is good enough, let me know if you need any more insight.
ovm module
Send job to stop the vm and return the id of it in the job variable
elif module.params[“state”] == “stop”:
job = stopVm(restSession,module)
module.exit_json(msg=‘vm stopped’, changed=True, job=job[‘id’][‘value’])
Get the job info and return it in the job variable
elif module.params[“state”] == “jobinfo”:
jobinfo = getJobInfo(restSession,module.params[“jobId”],module)
module.exit_json(msg=jobinfo, changed=False, job=jobinfo)
- hosts:
connection: local
name: ‘Stop Vm test’
state: stop
user: xxxxxx
password: xxxxxx
vmName: test
ovmHostname: ovmm-test
ovmPort: 7002
async: 3000
poll: 0
register: stop_job -
name: ‘OVM Check stop job’
state: jobinfo
user: xxxxxxxxxx
password: xxxxx
vmName: test
ovmHostname: ovmm-test
ovmPort: 7002
jobId: “{{ stop_job.job }}”
async_status: jid={{ stop_job.ansible_job }}
register: job_result
until: job_result.job[‘summaryDone’]
retries: 10
delay: 30
failed_when: job_result.job[‘jobRunState’] != ‘SUCCESS’
If you run the playbook like that it complains about parse errors. Those errors go away if I take away the module call in the second task but then how can I send the get request to the api for the jobinfo?
Thank you very much in advance,