Hi there,
just three short questions regarding async jobs.
1.) How can I check the async_status of a “fire and forget” job on all my servers at once? So instead of checking a specific server’s job id 115503716196.18657 (mind the dot) I would like to basically check 115503716196.*, which doesn’t work. Also just “115503716196” doesn’t work.
2.) Is there a way to kill “fire and forget” async jobs?
3.) Is there some sort of garbage collection being done for the ~/.ansible_async/ directory or does that grow forever?
Here’s a bit more explanation regarding just my first question, how I can check the async_status of a job on all my servers at once:
Say I’m executing an async job like that:
ansible all -B 90 -P 0 -a “sleep 80”
I get a confirmation of successful start like this:
background launch…
ip_srv1 | success >> {
“ansible_job_id”: “115503716196.18657”,
“results_file”: “/home/ubuntu/.ansible_async/115503716196.18657”,
“started”: 1
ip_srv2 | success >> {
“ansible_job_id”: “115503716196.6532”,
“results_file”: “/home/ubuntu/.ansible_async/115503716196.6532”,
“started”: 1
Now, is there a way to check the status of the job on all servers at once?
I tried the obvious choice first and did:
ansible all -m async_status -a “jid=115503716196”
However, this just results in:
ip_srv1 | FAILED >> {
“ansible_job_id”: “115503716196”,
“failed”: true,
“msg”: “could not find job”
ip_srv2 | FAILED >> {
“ansible_job_id”: “115503716196”,
“failed”: true,
“msg”: “could not find job”
Only if I do:
ansible all -m async_status -a “jid=115503716196.18657”
I get what I want - but of course only for the server of which I typed in the concret job id. | success >> {
“ansible_job_id”: “115503716196.18657”,
“changed”: false,
“results_file”: “/home/ubuntu/.ansible_async/115503716196.18657”,
“started”: 1
} | FAILED >> {
“ansible_job_id”: “115503716196.18657”,
“failed”: true,
“msg”: “could not find job”