Why can't I access the localhost when i use a EE


Working through the early doco on ansible


basically using the community min build EE

gather facts and displaying them about all of the hosts.

I can get local host - which is the pod and I can get remote hosts, but I can’t get the localhost

in my hosts file I have the local host by name - which corrosponds to the address from /etc/hosts - this might be the issue !

I can get into the pod with (I’m new to pods as well)

podman run -ti --name a --hostname aaa --network host ghcr.io/ansible-community/community-ee-base:latest /bin/bash

when i try ssh - it comes up with hostname warning - strangely when i run

ansible-navigator run test_remote.yml -i hosts --execution-environment-image http://ghcr.io/ansible-community/community-ee-minimal:latest --mode stdout --pull-policy missing

I don’t get the ssh warning i presume thats anisible doing something to ignore warning.

this is test_remote

- name: Gather and print local facts
  hosts: all, !deblaptop1
  become: true
  gather_facts: true
    ansible_python_interpreter: auto_silent

   - name: Print facts
      var: ansible_facts

I explicitly remove deblaptop1 the host

how can I debug this ?

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@Keyzer_Suze hello, if i understand the question correctly you can’t access the machine you run the EE on, correct?
If yes, I don’t know if there’s a better option, i would use its regular IP (not the loopback one), resp if it’s your laptop you need to have SSH running on it same as on your target hosts, i.e. it’ll be treated as a regular target host.

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