I’m trying to access localhost when i specify other remote hosts (using ec2 dynamic inventory but not sure if that matters).
But i get this:
PLAY ***************************************************************************
skipping: no hosts matched
Trying to figure out if its an access thing or if there is a way to inject the localhost just for the role i need it.
I dont want to add localhost to the the inventory list since i dont want to deploy any code there.
Odd thing is, this works fine from my local computer. Its just an issue on the remote server that i need to run this on.
My computer is OS X and remote is linux. But ansible was installed using pip on both so shouldn’t be any set up differences
Is there a way to make ansible-playbook work on the localhost even if its not in the inventory or can i specify it and ignore it in the other tasks?
Below is the command and the playbook i am using
ansible-playbook -i inventory/dev/ -l ~tag_role_web full-deploy.yml
- name: Get latest Code
gather_facts: no
hosts: localhost
next_color_name: “{{ lookup(‘file’, ‘./src/nextArchive’) }}”
update_archive: “{{ next_color_name }}-web”
role: update-code
name: Deploy web code
hosts: all
latest_archive: “{{ lookup(‘file’, ‘./src/nextArchive’) }}”
- role: deploy-web