What's the process for releasing new molecule-plugins wheel? Release schedule

hello! the last release was in February 8 almost a year ago.

How can we trigger the release process to get bug fixes and improvements?

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@ssbarnea What is needed to get a new molecule-plugins release?

Hello, gentle bump on this please

perhaps someone else could trigger the release process? @Denney-tech could you help with this?

I’m flattered that you think so, but I am not an Ansible team member of any sort. As such, I have no access to their GitHub repositories to perform any sort of maintenance release.

Maybe someone else on the @CommunityTeam can help?


aha you’re always so helpful and seem to know who to ping. ty for bearing with me :smiley:


Thanks for the ping @Denney-tech ! @cnfrancis - we will take a look and see what we can dig up!

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hello @samccann thank you for taking a look, were you able to find something?

@cnfrancis Hey, I’ve just published a new release that should be available from PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/molecule-plugins/

Could you please take a look and let us know if this sorts things out for you?


I should probably also point to the release details here: Release v23.6.0 ¡ ansible-community/molecule-plugins ¡ GitHub

There wasn’t any info about doing the releases that I could find so I sort of just went for it. My rationale with v23.6.0 was that there were no breaking changes visible in the commits that would really warrant a major version bump. From what I could tell there were some new features that justified a new minor version and this seems to be consistent with the previous versioning pattern. Hopefully that all sounds logical enough.


Also here are some docs about the release process: Add docs on creating new releases by oraNod ¡ Pull Request #287 ¡ ansible-community/molecule-plugins ¡ GitHub

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Awesome, thank you! will report back


We are also looking for volunteers to start maintaining this project so we don’t hit this kind of long delay. If anyone here is interested, please do let us know and we can help you understand what’s required to get releases out etc.


I am interested.
And I have a follow up PR :D, however, it seems i can’t add a label?

Thank you for offering to help out

@cnfrancis I’ve just given you maintainer on the repo, you should have received an email from GitHub inviting you to join the ansible-community GitHub org.

Please shout out if you’ve got any question.

Awesome thank you @gundalow !