What is the different between ansible-automation-platform-24/ee-minimal-rhel8 & ansible-automation-platform-25/ee-minimal-rhel8

Hi All,

I want to know more about ansible execution environment with 24 and 25 version different,

the below name I am seeing in catalog for create base image from red-hat and used to container image build process.


Any one share me more and special root of different from v24 and v25 ?


You can find the full list of EEs available here. If you dig down into each of those, it might tell you the differences.

My guess is v24 refers to Red Hat Ansible Automation platform versions (2.4 vs 2.5). I don’t know what changes in the execution environments besides the ansible-core versions and other dependencies.


Hi Sam,

It mean to see the ansible hub portal version 2.4 in my environment, so we have to use AAP -EE v24 with RHEL8 right?

or I have option to use AAP EE-v25 for RHEL8 ?


Unfortunately, that I don’t know. Maybe you can contact your RH support person?

The execution environments are independent of the AAP version when using them, they are marked with the AAP version they were released though. You can check the EEs life cycle table in the official docs here for the details

As samccann mentioned, If in doubt when using Red Hat products with subscriptions, it’s always best to reach support through the Red Hat customer portal, the forum is a volunteer and community effort, not an authoritative source for Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform troubleshooting.

That said, this is the best place to help you use Ansible, as in writing playbooks, roles, collections and modules.