I suggest to update the involuntarily leaving SC process and allow PMs in addition to emails.
At the end of the day, the forum is so important for us nowadays when it comes to discussions and votes that it’s an additional reason to remove people from the SC. If they don’t react on on PM here, they probably are not active on the forum at all. Which is a problem in itself
I’m +1 for also allowing PM. I would suggest to always try an email if there’s no reply by PM after some time, though. Maybe folks expect email notifications of the forum to work and they broke for some reason; getting a direct mail is helpful in that case.
This somehow contradicts my intention to use PM instead of an email. Since so much has moved to the forum, I wanted to simplify the process by staying on this communication platform.
If you think an email should be mandatory, let’s stay with the email-only solution that we already have.
Because the SC is important for the community and there was a good reason the user becomes a SC member, there is basically no reason not to try every other contact option also.
+1 for PM, because the forum is the official communication platform.
Let’s make PM mandatory, and email optional? I’m personally OK with removing emails too as there’s imo not point to keep optional stuff in those policies that are already quite big
It looks like there are different opinions on this.
As far as I understand, everybody is fine with sending a PM (first). But some people think we should send an email additionally if there’s no response, and others are fine with not sending an email at all.
Should I start a vote on this? Like:
Send a PM, if there’s no answer additionally send an email before starting the member audit
Send a PM, if there’s no answer directly start the member audit
I don’t like keeping email as optional. Let’s even keep it as mandatory or drop it.
I’m for sending both email and PM. I don’t care whether they are sent at the same time, with some days/a week inbetween, or whatever. While the forum / PMs are great, putting everything on one communication channel is IMO a bad idea. Especially in an important situation like “are you still around?” using more than one channel is quite important IMO, as there might be reasons why one channel might not work well enough.
It seems we should vote on that as well. Drafting the options here:
Not add PM (keep it as-is)
Add PM, send at the same time as e-mail
Add PM, send before the e-mail
Add PM, send after the e-mail
Send PM and stop sending e-mail (probably not taking votes but added for completeness)