Permission to update the SC group

Let’s discuss this comment. I don’t think we should discuss it in the original thread, looks out of scope to me there.

The question is: Who should be allowed to update (add or remove members) the @SteeringCommittee group?

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Thanks for pulling this question into it’s own thread.

Should it just be anybody in Steering Committee? (and Forum Admins)?

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Currently there are a couple of members in SC who are also forum admins, but i think it’s fine for the SC group members to have a possibility to update themselves. Even if someone gets accidentally removed by someone, we could always restore the members based on the members list on

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I think anybody in SC should be able to update that group. I think teams should be able to manage themselves, and this also means to update any group memberships. And we have the forum admins to revert any accidental or even malicious changes.

ATM my preference is to allow all SC members to update the SC group.

That said, I can also live with the current situation or something between it and allowing all SC members to add / remove people from the SC group. But I think it’s really worth a discussion.

As Sandra mentioned in Ansible Core Steering Committee Representative - #9 by samccann currently 3 SC members who can do this (Gundalow, Andrei, me). (I just checked, I have a “Add Users” button, and a settings menu for every member with an entry “Remove Member”, including one for myself :slight_smile: )

I agree with Mario that it’s fine if every SC member can edit membership, since a) we should better trust each other anyway, and b) forum admins can always clean up in case something went south. I also agree that keeping the current situation is also fine, since a) there are several members out of which usually at least one is active who can modify the user list, and b) there’s always the forum admin fallback.

Maybe we should have an informal poll in a few days, if nobody comes up with good arguments for one specific solutions.

As the Core team’s position rotates, I’m not sure how difficult it’d be to give us permission to edit the list so I’m fine if we’re left off the permissions.

The core team wouldn’t have permissions. Only the current core team representative. So you could add your successor and then leave the group.

The core team itself should’nt be allowed to edit the SC group, only the current core representative. Just like the other SC members.

I don’t think we should make a difference between “direct” SC members and “team representative members”. SC member means SC member, no matter if directly of as a team representative.


I’ve no opinion on the SC specifically, but in terms of how Discourse works, groups have “members” and “owners”, and owners can make changes. For some groups this makes sense, espeically free-to-join groups like many of the WGs. If you prefer to give everyone the same rights, then just make everyone an owner.

To state the obvious, admins can obviously change/fix stuff too, in case you need us :wink:

I just promoted everyone to owner after we talked a bit about it at the community meeting. If anyone doesn’t like that, please object here. We can always change it. If everyone is fine with it, we’ll just keep it :slight_smile:


@jimi and future @Core representatives: now that all SC members are group owner, it’d be helpful if, in addition to updating the Core representative ticket, you added your successor to the SteeringCommittee group before leaving it.