after initial installation of an ESXi host I need to migrate the vmk0 interface (with the management address) from vSwitch0 to dVS dvs.test01, but the vmware_migrate_vmk module failed with “vim.fault.ResourceNotAvailable”.
The vCenter shows the following error: “The Ressource DistributedVirtualPort is not available in DistributedVirtualPortgroup dvs.test01-DVUplinks-41.”
A manual migration via vCenter UI works as expected.
Has anyone a hint about what is wrong?
Here are some facts, which might help to get an overview:
ok: [test-esx0103.test01.dev] => { "_esxi_setup__host_facts": { "ansible_facts": { "ansible_all_ipv4_addresses": [ "" ], "ansible_bios_date": "2018-12-12T00:00:00+00:00", "ansible_bios_version": "6.00", "ansible_datastore": [ { "free": "31.54 GB", "name": "test-esx0103_local_raid10", "total": "32.50 GB" }, { "free": "69.47 GB", "name": "NFS_ESX_devsystem01", "total": "100.00 GB" } ], "ansible_distribution": "VMware ESXi", "ansible_distribution_build": "8294253", "ansible_distribution_version": "6.5.0", "ansible_hostname": "test-esx0103.test01.dev", "ansible_in_maintenance_mode": false, "ansible_interfaces": [ "vmk0" ], "ansible_memfree_mb": 9662, "ansible_memtotal_mb": 11263, "ansible_os_type": "vmnix-x86", "ansible_processor": "Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 5120 CPU @ 2.20GHz", "ansible_processor_cores": 4, "ansible_processor_count": 4, "ansible_processor_vcpus": 4, "ansible_product_name": "VMware Virtual Platform", "ansible_product_serial": "None", "ansible_system_vendor": "VMware, Inc.", "ansible_uptime": 81712, "ansible_vmk0": { "device": "vmk0", "ipv4": { "address": "", "netmask": "" }, "macaddress": "00:50:56:bb:ca:fd", "mtu": 1500 }, "cluster": "test01", "vsan_cluster_uuid": null, "vsan_health": "unknown", "vsan_node_uuid": null }, "changed": false, "failed": false } } ok: [test-esx0103.test01.dev] => { "esxi_setup__vmnic_info": { "changed": false, "failed": false, "hosts_vmnics_info": { "test-esx0103.test01.dev": { "all": [ "vmnic0", "vmnic1", "vmnic2", "vmnic3" ], "available": [ "vmnic2", "vmnic3" ], "dvswitch": { "dvs.test01": [ "vmnic1" ] }, "num_vmnics": 4, "used": [ "vmnic1", "vmnic0" ], "vmnic_details": [ { "actual_duplex": "Full Duplex", "actual_speed": 10000, "adapter": "VMware Inc. vmxnet3 Virtual Ethernet Controller", "configured_duplex": "Full Duplex", "configured_speed": 10000, "device": "vmnic0", "driver": "nvmxnet3", "location": "0000:0b:00.0", "mac": "00:50:56:bb:ca:fd", "status": "Connected" }, { "actual_duplex": "Full Duplex", "actual_speed": 10000, "adapter": "VMware Inc. vmxnet3 Virtual Ethernet Controller", "configured_duplex": "Full Duplex", "configured_speed": 10000, "device": "vmnic1", "driver": "nvmxnet3", "location": "0000:13:00.0", "mac": "00:50:56:bb:c2:32", "status": "Connected" }, { "actual_duplex": "N/A", "actual_speed": "N/A", "adapter": "VMware Inc. vmxnet3 Virtual Ethernet Controller", "configured_duplex": "Auto negotiate", "configured_speed": "Auto negotiate", "device": "vmnic2", "driver": "nvmxnet3", "location": "0000:1b:00.0", "mac": "00:50:56:bb:16:a2", "status": "Disconnected" }, { "actual_duplex": "N/A", "actual_speed": "N/A", "adapter": "VMware Inc. vmxnet3 Virtual Ethernet Controller", "configured_duplex": "Auto negotiate", "configured_speed": "Auto negotiate", "device": "vmnic3", "driver": "nvmxnet3", "location": "0000:04:00.0", "mac": "00:50:56:bb:e4:0d", "status": "Disconnected" } ], "vswitch": { "vSwitch0": [ "vmnic0" ] } } } } } ok: [test-esx0103.test01.dev] => { "esxi_setup__portgroup_info": { "changed": false, "failed": false, "hosts_portgroup_info": { "test-esx0103.test01.dev": [ { "portgroup": "Management Network", "vlan_id": 0, "vswitch": "vSwitch0" } ] } } }