Using map, filters in complex pipelines - a.k.a Stupid Jinja2 Tricks no. 42

Is there any way to do what this does with just map, pipes, and filters instead of the {% for … %} old school style of looping? (Example borrowed from earlier discussion over on

    - name: Filter pain point - product
        msg: |-
         {% for p in starter | map('map', 'list') -%}
         {{   p[0] | product(p[1]) -}}
         {{   '' if loop.last else ', ' -}}
         {% endfor %}
        starter: [ [ [ 11, 12, 13], "a" ],
                   [ [ 21, 22, 23], "b" ] ]

The result is the product of the number lists with their corresponding letters:

[[[11, "a"], [12, "a"], [13, "a"]], [[21, "b"], [22, "b"], [23, "b"]]]

I keep trying to sneak up on a solution like the one below, but product only ever takes the first parameter. I can’t get map() to feed the second element to the filter as the “inside parens” parameter. This isn’t just an issue with product; it seems to hold for any filter that expects “something left of the pipe” and “something in the parameter list.”

    - name: Filter pain point - product
          - "{{ starter }}"
          - "{{ starter | map('map', 'list') }}"
          - "{{ starter | map('map', 'list') | map('product') }}"   # borken!
        starter: [ [ [ 11, 12, 13], "a" ],
                   [ [ 21, 22, 23], "b" ] ]
# hand-tweaked output:
#  [[[[11, 12, 13],     'a'],     [[21, 22, 23],     'b']],
#   [[[11, 12, 13],    ['a']],    [[21, 22, 23],    ['b']]],
#  [[([11, 12, 13],), (['a'],)], [([21, 22, 23],), (['b'],)]]]

Is there really no way to use these filters in complex pipelines?