Loopless alternative?


I have a list of dicts, where I want to inject a number of helper keys.
I can do this with set_facts in a loop. Example playbook (hopefully this displays OK):

Here’s the best I’ve got to offer. I tried pipelining filters etc but couldn’t quite get over the hump. So, back to old school loops.

    - set_fact:
        backup_objects: |
          {% set result = [] %}
          {% for obj in all_objects %}
          {%   set _ = result.append({'basename': obj['Key'] | regex_replace('^' ~ prefix ~ '\d{10}_(.*)\.pgdump', '\1')} | combine(obj)) %}
          {% endfor %}{{ result }}

The point of the “set _” line is for the side effect of appending revised objects to the “result” list. Otherwise it’s pretty straightforward.

Create the list of the hashes

  bn_regex: '^{{ prefix }}\d{10}_(.*)\.pgdump$'
  bn: "{{ all_objects|
          map('regex_replace', bn_regex, '\\1')|
          map('community.general.dict_kv', 'basename') }}"


  - basename: dev_wss_db
  - basename: dev_wss_db_requests
  - basename: dev_bss_service_database
  - basename: dev_bss_frontend_db
  - basename: dev_mss_db

zip the lists and combine the items

  backup_object: "{{ all_objects|zip(bn)|map('combine') }}"

There are options. Filter *basename* and get rid of *prefix*

  bn_regex: '^\d{10}_(.*)\.pgdump$'
  bn: "{{ all_objects|
          map('regex_replace', bn_regex, '\\1')|
          map('community.general.dict_kv', 'basename') }}"

Create the hash in *regex_replace* and use *from_yaml* instead
of *community.general.dict_kv*

  bn: "{{ all_objects|
          map('regex_replace', bn_regex, '{basename: \\1}')|
          map('from_yaml') }}"

Instead of *regex_replace* use *splitext* and *split*

  bn: "{{ all_objects|
          map('split', '_', 1)|map('last')|
          map('community.general.dict_kv', 'basename') }}"

Thanks, Vladimir. I had missed the point of “community.general.dict_kv”. I had gotten as far as this:

    - set_fact:
        bn: |
         {{ query('ansible.builtin.nested', ['basename'], (all_objects
            > map(attribute='Key')
            > map('regex_replace', '^' ~ prefix ~ '\d{10}_(.*)\.pgdump', ''))) }}

which produces:

  - - basename
    - dev_wss_db
  - - basename
    - dev_wss_db_requests
  - - basename
    - dev_bss_service_database
  - - basename
    - dev_bss_frontend_db
  - - basename
    - dev_mss_db

But I didn’t find a way to map that using “community.general.dict” to create

  - basename: dev_wss_db
  - basename: dev_wss_db_requests
  - basename: dev_bss_service_database
  - basename: dev_bss_frontend_db
  - basename: dev_mss_db

This for me is one of the more frustrating things about Jinja pipelines. I keep wishing “map” would take arbitrary expressions rather than the limited set it’s stuck with. So you end up with a fleet of one-off filters like “community.general.dict_kv” which does what “community.general.dict” would do if there were an obvious way to turn this:

  - - basename
    - dev_wss_db
  - - basename
    - dev_wss_db_requests
  - - basename
    - dev_bss_service_database
  - - basename
    - dev_bss_frontend_db
  - - basename
    - dev_mss_db

into this:

  - - - basename
      - dev_wss_db
  - - - basename
      - dev_wss_db_requests
  - - - basename
      - dev_bss_service_database
  - - - basename
      - dev_bss_frontend_db
  - - - basename
      - dev_mss_db

i.e. a “deepen” counterpart to “flatten”. But that magical incantation has so far eluded me.

   - - basename
     - dev_wss_db
   - - basename
     - dev_wss_db_requests
   - - basename
     - dev_bss_service_database
   - - basename
     - dev_bss_frontend_db
   - - basename
     - dev_mss_db

But I didn't find a way to map that using "community.general.dict" to create

   - basename: dev_wss_db
   - basename: dev_wss_db_requests
   - basename: dev_bss_service_database
   - basename: dev_bss_frontend_db
   - basename: dev_mss_db

You can always use brute-force Jinja as the last resort. For example,
given the list

  - dev_wss_db
  - dev_wss_db_requests
  - dev_bss_service_database
  - dev_bss_frontend_db
  - dev_mss_db

the below Jinja creates the list of the hashes

  bn: |
    {% filter from_yaml %}
    {% for basename in bn_list %}
    - basename: {{ basename }}
    {% endfor %}
    {% endfilter %}

As a side-note, this is equivalent to

  bn: "{{ all_objects|
          map('regex_replace', bn_regex, '{basename: \\1}')|
          map('from_yaml') }}"

This for me is one of the more frustrating things about Jinja
pipelines. I keep wishing "map" would take arbitrary
expressions rather than the limited set it's stuck with.

This is very good point. It would be possible to write such a filter.
However, I'm not sure about the security implications.

see map/select/reject filters .. they are actually loops and normally
much simpler than using jinja command syntax ( {% %} ).

Unfortunately, some filters are not *map* friendly. For example, the
filter *product*

  list1|product(list2) .............. works fine
  list1|zip(list2)|map('product') ... does not work

Details: Given the list

    - dir: /tmp/test/d1
      sub_dir: [a, b]
    - dir: /tmp/test/d2
      sub_dir: [a, b, c]

the goal is to create the list of products

  - /tmp/test/d1/a
  - /tmp/test/d1/b
  - /tmp/test/d2/a
  - /tmp/test/d2/b
  - /tmp/test/d2/c

The iteration (the filter *subelements* not used
to demonstrate the functionality of *product*)

    - debug:
        msg: "{{ [item.0]|product(item.1) }}"
      loop: "{{ dirs|zip(sdirs) }}"
        dirs: "{{ l1|map(attribute='dir') }}"
        sdirs: "{{ l1|map(attribute='sub_dir') }}"

works as expected. Gives (abridged)

  - - /tmp/test/d1
    - a
  - - /tmp/test/d1
    - b

  - - /tmp/test/d2
    - a
  - - /tmp/test/d2
    - b
  - - /tmp/test/d2
    - c

But, the filter *product* doesn't work with *map*

  dirs: "{{ l1|map(attribute='dir') }}"
  sdirs: "{{ l1|map(attribute='sub_dir') }}"
  l3: "{{ dirs|zip(sdirs)|map('product') }}"


  - - - /tmp/test/d1
    - - - a
        - b
  - - - /tmp/test/d2
    - - - a
        - b
        - c

This leaves you with Jinja if you want to avoid the loops in tasks

  l3: |
    {% filter from_yaml %}
    {% for i in l1 %}
    {% for s in i.sub_dir %}
    - {{ i.dir }}/{{ s }}
    {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}
    {% endfilter %}

I ended up with the inline jinja for loop.
Also I used a pipe lookup instead of an s3 list task prior to this one.

So now everything is done in a one single task, without noise, and with the same results.
Thanks everyone, it was really useful and I will keep it in mind for future reference.
