User authentication with LDAP


I am writing to inquire some information in regards to User Permission management with LDAP authentication. I have searched around and have found conflicting answers.

I currently have an Ansible AWX 2.9.5 environment stood up on a CentOS 8 VM and am wanting to integrate LDAP authentication with it. My question is, if a user logs in they get the mapped permissions in LDAP. But if those permissions are adjusted in LDAP, when the user logs out of AWX and logs back in, are their permissions updated upon log in to reflect the changes in LDAP?

Thank you very much!

Are you talking about POSIX groups retrieved from LDAP server? How fast
group membership is updated depends on the technical details how
NSS-LDAP integration is done.

But to me it seems there's no ansible-specific question here.

Ciao, Michael.