I am trying to configure Ansible AWX to use my ldap server to authentication.
I can use ldapsearch
to query my ldap server like so …
ldapsearch -H ldaps://ldap.example.com -D "cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com" -W -b "dc=example.com"
And, of course, I had replaced example.com
with my domain.
I also have an AWX (Opensource version of Ansible Tower). I am trying to configure my AWX to use my ldap server for authentication. So I logon to the AWC Web UI and go to settings and start fillout of the form for LDAP Auth:
LDAP Server URI: ldaps://ldap.example.com:636
LDAP Bind DN: cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com
LDAP User DN Template: uid="%(user)s",dc=example,dc=com
LDAP Group Type: PosixUIDGroupType
I have no idea and I am just guessing at what I need to use for LDAP User DN Template
or LDAP Group Type
No matter what I have tried I cannot authenticate against my LDAP server
How do I figure out what I should use for ldap group type?
The doc says:
Click to select a group type from the LDAP Group Type drop-down menu list.
But does give any useful details about why one would choose one group type and not another.
I was finally able to get LDAP Auth to work. The major problem I was having was that I was entering the WRONG PASSWORD!
The hard part was getting confirmation that the password I was submitting was indeed wrong and here is what I did to confirm
my configuration of LDAP Auth was correct in the “Settings > LDAP Default” where correct.
First thing I should have done was log on to AWX UI as ‘admin’ then go to ‘Settings > Logging’ and set “Logging Aggregator Level Threshold” to DEBUG.
Then one can check the log of the awx-demo-web container with these kubectl commands:
kubectl -n awx get pods
kubectl -n awx logs -f awx-demo-fdakfjas-adfkjadsf -c awx-demo-web
DEBUG … django_auth_ldap search_s(…) returned 1 objects: …
DEBUG … django_auth_ldap Auth for user me: user DN/password rejected by LDAP server.