I’m facing some issues using LDAP configuration in AWX.
First of all, due to my company policy, I can’t update my containers right now and my AWX version is 2.1.2 which is VERY old… unfortunately right now I am not authorized to update it.
This is my issue :
LDAP is configured and worked fine at least one time : some users was able to connect to AWX through it.
But for some reason, it doesn’t work as it shouid now :
People who was able to login during the time it worked are still able to do it.
People who never tried to login to AWX can’t do it through LDAP.
6 groups are present in LDAP, rigorously identical, but 3 of them can login, 3 can’t. The only difference is that the last 3 ones were created after the 3 first.
I tried to get more logs activating DEBUG level in Parameters > System > Logging but I can’t see any logs to help me. I checked in awx_task_1 and awx_web_1 containers, maybe these logs are elsewhere ?
Oh my bad I didn’t get it ^^
I found these lines when my coworker tried to log in :
2020-10-01 13:32:33,478 WARNING django_auth_ldap Caught LDAPError while authenticating USRTEST: NO_SUCH_OBJECT({‘info’: “0000208D: NameErr: DSID-03100241, problem 2001 (NO_OBJECT), data 0, best match of:\n\t’OU=WMD_ANSIBLE,OU=Applications,DC=groupe,DC=intra,DC=laposte,DC=fr’\n”, ‘matched’: ‘OU=WMD_ANSIBLE,OU=Applications,DC=groupe,DC=intra,DC=laposte,DC=fr’, ‘desc’: ‘No such object’},)
2020-10-01 13:32:33,551 DEBUG django_auth_ldap Authentication failed for USRTEST: user DN/password rejected by LDAP server.