Upgrading AWX docker instalation step by step

I have AWX installed in docker and I need to upgrade it do latest version.
Now I have Ansible AWX 21.6.1 and I want to upgrade to 21.11

There is no manual to do that. I’ve tried to git clone newest release, copy inventory file and in the root directory of downloaded release run make docker-compose

Unfortunately it doesn’t work and only crashes my instance.

Maybe someone can help me?


the docker based deployment is for development purposes only, and not intended to be long lived deployments where things like db migrations are supported.

That said, do you see errors in the stdout when running make docker-compose? What do you mean by crashing your instance?

AWX Team

So tell me please what is in your opinion the proper way to install Ansible AWX in production environment?

99% step by step tutorials are based od docker.

Thanks a lot!

Rafał Karpiński
rafal (at) karpinski.me

yeah the docker based deployment ended with AWX v17, and all newer versions use the AWX Operator to deploy into a kubernetes cluster

Here are the step by step instructions for deploying via operator


Let us know if that is helpful

AWX Team