Updating MongoDB role - ones I've found stopped at 3.2

I am doing an update to our platform and one of the things is upgrading MongoDB, this step has hit a stumbling block. I am taking it up to the latest release in Ver 3 but the role I used before and all the ones I have found so far seem to have stopped support at v3.2 while MongoDB v3 goes up to 3.6.9 and even has a recent release in V4.

I had a vague memory of maybe Mongo themselves having created a role (would explain drop in user roles) but can’t find either an official role or updates that cover past 3.2.

I assume I am missing something someplace. After all ansible has modules that support interacting with Mongo itself (once installed) so there must be a current install role someplace. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

BTW I am on the most current version of Ansible 2.7.2
