Announcing AWX 16.0.0

Hello Everyone,

I am excited to announce a new version of AWX, 16.0.0.

As you’ll see in the changelog, this version of AWX ships with a new take on the user interface. We’re excited for you all to give it a try and give us your feedback. While the new user interface is close to supporting all of the functionality of the old interface we’re not quite there yet so please read through the announcement we made last week regarding the new UI before upgrading: If you are in need of some of those features in the user interface then this release might not be for you. We’ll be working diligently to finish coding the areas mentioned In that announcement as well as fixing any bugs that may be found.

Here are some of the notable changes from the official changelog (

Is this the version that deprecated the docker installation method? (if so please update the install guide)

Hey Stefan,

16.0.0 still has the docker-compose based install method - when that changes in a future AWX release, we’ll update the install guide accordingly as part of that release process.

Install/Upgrade from 15 worked perfectly.

Upgrade from 15.x worked for me as well. Nice to see the container instance group working again :slight_smile:

So when do you plan to add the ability to edit some of the setting, things like LDAP configurations, etc through the GUI? currently it just shows as “coming soon”. Puts a bit of a crimp on things if you are doing a fresh install and need to configure it


The settings section is a big missing piece.
Is there an ETA on it completion?

Hey folks,

As was mentioned in the announcement, some bits still aren’t done (though there are active pull requests where this is being worked on: We don’t have an ETA for this, but as you can see, it’s actively under development.

As is the case with most parts of the user interface, you can still manage any of these settings via the API interfaces (in your browser) at:


We’re eager for early feedback on this new interface, but if there’s something missing that’s a deal breaker, I’d recommend hanging back on AWX 15.x as Mike suggested.

It is the first time I upgrade an awx docker -compose installation, is there a way to do such a process cleanly (I mean without export/import data)?

I’ve just successfully upgraded from 15.0.1, and I am very happy with this patternfly interface which is much more modern than the older one. It is the same as oVirt and some other redhat projects.
Good job.


I’m seeing a lot of text in brackets, like “{brandName}!”, “Created{dateStr} by {username}” or “{zeroOrOneJobSelected}”

Is this the expected behaviour or have I misconfigured something?


im seeing this too.