Unmaintained collection: community.rabbitmq

The community.rabbitmq collection looks unmaintained / abandoned, it has:

If the collection is removed users can still install it using Ansible Galaxy and if development is picked up again it could be added back?

I’m asking as it is a collection I use for the community.rabbitmq.rabbitmq_user module.

That’s correct, it remains in galaxy, and if you’re already installing it directly from galaxy, nothing changes for you.

If you’re currently getting it via the ansible package, then you will need to install it separately to use it with versions of the ansible package that no longer include it.

The recommended way to install it is from galaxy typically, though technically you could install it via git or maybe other methods if the collection supports something else, but that would be something to ask them, or to ask in another topic.

If the collection inclusion requirements are met, they can apply for inclusion again.


It would be better if the collection gets actively maintained again so we don’t have to remove it. Since this is a community collection, this should be quite possible if it’s still used by many folks (which I think it is).


Yep. As @briantist already said, this is not about removing the collection from galaxy. It is about removing it from the community package.

It depends on when development is picked up again. If a collection hasn’t been removed yet (only deprecated) cancelling removal of an unmaintained collection is comparatively easy. If the collection has already bee removed, the process is more complicated and takes longer since it would be considered a new collection.

FYI @csmart said to try and find some more time to work on this and pick up on the releases. If this happens, there won’t be any question about removing the collection.


@mariolenz thanks for keeping an eye on this and opening the topic!

there’s actually an active and very responsible maintainer i regularly communicate with. maybe he missed the issue or can’t handle that all alone. Pinged him directly to take a look at the topic.


Thanks all! I will make some more time for this collection to keep it in better shape. @mariolenz thanks for the link to the collection requirement violation issue, I didn’t see that one. There’s probably a bit of testing that needs updating, so I’ll include a fix for that too.


I need to go add a badge & title for collection maintainers :wink:

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OK the collection is testing against 2.16 now, I’ve deprecated < 2.14 and and I’ve fixed up some linting issues. I prob should add some more distros at some point, I’d like to see fedora in there :blue_heart:

There are some MR to review and if/once they land I’ll work on a new release.

Thanks all!


@csmart that’s great! Thanks for being a very responsive and so-long-term maintainer of those collections!

I think we can close this and the related issue in the collection (Unmaintained collection: Removal from Ansible (community) package · Issue #164 · ansible-collections/community.rabbitmq · GitHub) since now there’s a new release (1.3.0) with features and bugfixes, and CI covers ansible-core 2.16 as well.

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I’ve closed the issue in the repo and I’ve ticked off community.rabbitmq in Possibly unmaintained collections in Ansible 9.

I’m not sure if it’s intended to really close threads like this, or threads at all. Is it possible to archive a thread / topic?

Anyway, I don’t know how to do it. It says you don't have permission to delete this topic, but deleting a topic wouldn’t be the same as closing or archiving it (in the sense of “this has been dealt with”, “this has been done” or similar) anyway.

I agree that we should “close” the discussion, but I don know how to technically achieve this.

BTW @csmart Thank you very much for the new release!

4 posts were split to a new topic: How to resolve community-wg topics