Undefined variable exception while evaluating Do-Until loop

My Do-Until loop errors out if the until condition checks against a value that happens to contain a string like “{{ var }}”. I stepped through the Ansible code and it attempts to evaluate “var” then throws an undefined variable exception. I have no control over what echo_result.stdout contains. How can I ask jinja2 to skip nested variable substitution and leave “{{ var }}” as is while evaluating the until condition?

I have simplified the scenario down to the following playbook below. Thanks in advance.

ansible version:

Branch: devel

Commit: 2015-10-28 bdf5f70 James Cammarata Merge pull request #12950 from chrismeyersfsu/fix-ansible_test_service_checksum


  • hosts: localhost
    gather_facts: no
    sudo: yes
  • name: Set facts
    lb: ‘{’
    v: ‘x’
    rbs: ‘}}’


  • name: Echo a variable
    command: echo “abc {{ v }}”
    register: echo_result
    until: “echo_result.stdout.find(‘abc’) != -1”
  • debug: var=echo_result


  • name: Echo a nested jinja2 variable
    command: echo “abc {{ lb }}{{ lb }} {{ v }} {{ rbs }}”
    register: echo_result
    until: “echo_result.stdout.find(‘abc’) != -1”
  • debug: var=echo_result
