Jinja can't access to a dictionnary containing var


I’ve got a dictionary which looks like this:

"var": { "nm_java_apps_params": { "nm-core": { "dest_folder": '/tmp/test' "port": 9487, "start_options": " -Xmx16G -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UseStringDeduplication", "version": "latest" }, "nm-staticmaps": {“dest_folder”: ‘/tmp/test’"port": 9462, "start_options": "", "war_name": "latest.war" } } }

In a role, I can access data like this:

{{ nm_java_apps_params['{{my_var}}']['dest_folder'] }}

However, when I’m trying in Jinja with the same way, I’ve got:

{'msg': "AnsibleUndefinedVariable: One or more undefined variables: 'dict object' has no attribute '{{my_var}}'", 'failed': True}

Any idea of what I missed here ?

Thanks in advance

You should not nest jinja2 print statements. Instead you can just use raw vars once you are inside of {{ }}

Such as:

{{ nm_java_apps_params[my_var][‘dest_folder’] }}


Thanks, I think I was too tired to see that stupid mistake.

Thanks a lot !