Unable to locate collection community.general

Hi, I need help about this task.

I deployed Ansible AWX on a single node on Minikube and it seemed ok. Now, I’ve just launch a job from AWX GUI importing the community.general collection (which is described in requirements.yml file inside the main directory of awx_operator). After the launch of the template, I receive this error:

Could not load "community.general.json_query": ‘Invalid plugin FQCN (community.general.json_query): unable to locate collection community.general’. String: {{ api_response.json.rowset.rows | community.general.json_query(‘[*].Node’) }}. Could not load "community.general.json_query": ‘Invalid plugin FQCN (community.general.json_query): unable to locate collection community.general’

Could anyone help me to resolve this issue? I don’t know how to go ahead

@gvisentin Hello!

Are you using awx-ee image as EE (Execution Environment) ?

Unfortunately, the awx-ee does not have community.general collection.

To use community.general collection, we need to build custom image by ansible-builder.
Or using other image that includes community.general collection.

I tried to use minikube for my first attempt to launch awx. This is what eventually got me going.
it has it’s limitations like minikube but made the most sense in the long run without having to learn way to much. I hope it helps, if not, sorry.

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