I have installed “community.general” collections to Ansible 2.10
On the same server I have running AWX as container.
I can successfully test modules in above collection (ansible-doc community.general.nmcli works OK)
Also, running my plabook from command line works OK.
However, running the playbook from AWX UI fails with this error:
ERROR! couldn’t resolve module/action ‘community.general.nmcli’. This often indicates a misspelling, missing collection, or incorrect module path.
Could sombody point me to documentation that describes how to make collections available to AWX?
Generally speaking you need your containers to be independent of your host. So of you want to customize your instance with additional collection, you should consider installing them in two ways:
directly to your scm/local tree by installing collection to collections folder at top level of your project You should consider using ansible-galaxy:
ansible-galaxy collection install community.general --path collections
(You can also use a requirements file like following)
Or using automatic download awx capability creating a collections/requirements.yml file containing:
collections :
name: community.general
By this way collections will be downloaded each time you sync your scm project to a /tmp path but is not available with a local path.