Unable to Launch Job Template in Ansible Tower

Hello Community,

I have created a Job Template to launch a job in Ansible Tower as shown in image. However, when I click on ‘search’ nothing happens. Can someone let me know what the ‘Launch Job’ is searching for? I have never used Ansible Tower before, but my guess is that it’s searching for a VM, (but I could be wrong)

Can someone please let me know why nothing appears when I click on search?



Anybody willing to help out here?

This is the list for Ansible Core not Tower, you need to contact RedHat support.

It appears the search button is search for a key not a job since the “key” button is next to the magnifying glass.
Also on the top you have the Azure credential selected.

What are you trying to do?
Are you trying to search a particular job you created before?
Are you trying to search a key/credential you created before?
Are you trying to launch a job?


Thanks for reaching out.

To answer your question, I’m trying to Launch a job